Facebook is top social networking
website & i am sure that most of people reading this post surely have an
account on Facebook & if you are a blogger than i guess you have Facebook
fan page for website. I know it is very difficult to manage social media fan
pages because you are completely giving your time to your website. Do you want
solution of this? The best solution to this is you can add admin or editor for
your page means you can give authority to your friend for posting. If you don’t
know how to do this then here’s how to add admin, editor role in Facebook.
Steps to
Add Admin, Editor Role in Facebook
- Login to your Facebook account & go to your page.
- Click on Settings which you can find on top
right side corner.
- Click on Page Roles.
- On right side fill your friend’s email ID which he or
she is using to login Facebook.
- If you want to change the role the choose the role from
drop box whih gives you following option: Admin, Editor, Moderator,
Advertisor, Analyst.
- After filling email & selecting role click on Save
button. You will need to enter your password to save changes.
Hope you understand how to add admin
editor role in Facebook. If you want some more tips on social media then feel
free to explore the website.